Want to start your own podcast and learn the secrets of podcast marketing? Now is the perfect time! Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular because of Twitter and Facebook, as well as communities dedicated entirely towards them like Reddit.

The growing popularity of podcasts has brought about an increase in opportunities for hosts too—podcasting can be used both for learning or entertainment purposes.

With nearly every topic covered by these outlets, you’re sure to find a podcast niche that catches your interest while hitting a unique target audience at once with this new medium’s broad appeal across genres.
A new podcast is released every two seconds. That’s an insane amount of competition for new content creators to break through the noise and make it on their own.

We’ve compiled some tips and tactics that will help your podcast grow in popularity, help attract listeners of all kinds and how to best serve them with fresh content that keeps them coming back for more.

1) Give Your Podcast an Edge

Stand out from the crowd! Customers want something different, so offer it to them! When planning your podcast marketing strategy, think about what will set you apart from other podcasts on the same subject. Will it be a specific niche or expertise?

An interview-style show vs solo format? Be sure to make this clear in your marketing podcast efforts as well as on your website. Make it easy for people searching for what you offer to find you.

Interview style format of podcasting

2) Share Your Expertise

Let people know what you know! Use your podcast marketing strategy to share information about your industry, product or service.

People will be interested in learning more about the subject of your podcast so they can get their problem solved, answer a question or just learn something new.

Offer tips and tricks that will help them do whatever it is they are trying to accomplish by listening to your podcast. This will build trust between you and them, creating loyal listeners who share with their friends.

3) Register for Podcast Directories

How do you expect someone else to find your podcast if they don’t know it exists? Join popular podcast directory list and makes it easy for people searching for podcasts to find you in no time flat.

This is a simple step in the podcasting marketing strategy, but one that has great impact.

4) Podcast Marketing Strategy: Promotions to get Downloads/ Streams

Who would just stumble upon it? It’s easy enough for interested customers to get lost in the deep pools of podcast titles out there! Make sure they can easily find what they are looking for by promoting your podcast.

You can start locally and use word-of-mouth, podcast flyer templates, business cards and social media like Facebook and Twitter to spread the news about your new show.

Use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to spread the news about your new show

But don’t stop there because these days people are turning to Google to discover podcasts so make sure you own relevant keywords on this search engine too!

The more your podcast marketing is exposed, the greater chance you have to get more downloads and stream.

5) Browse Listeners: Get Social!

Once a listener finds you they’ll want to follow along with future episodes. Make sure you have a social media presence to ensure it’s easy for them.

Offer fresh content on your blog or website that tells listeners what they can expect from new episodes and share how they can stay updated.

Tell your podcast listeners what they can expect from new episodes and share your concept for upcoming shows

It’s easy for people to get distracted online so make sure you’re not leaving things up to chance; be transparent by letting listeners know how often you plan on publishing new episodes and stick to it!

If your podcast marketing strategy is making an impact why not share this fact? Using tools like Twitter analytics and Facebook Insights can help you see if your efforts are paying off.

6) Podcast Directory List & Social Networks

Podcast Directory List are one of the most effective marketing strategies to browse listeners and appeal to new audiences.

There are many podcast directory list online, but the two biggest are iTunes and SoundCloud. By uploading your podcast to these popular directories, people searching for podcasts will find them in no time flat!
RSS feeds make it easy for listeners to automatically download episodes as soon as they become available. And social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest allow podcasters to easily share their content across the web.

Making an impact is fairly simple; just make sure you have an effective podcast marketing strategy at your disposal so you can browse listeners and help them easily find you!

7) Get Your Podcast Heard!

In order to get downloads and streams you need exposure, which is why promotion is a big part of the podcast marketing strategy. Think about what you can offer listeners in exchange for their downloads or streams?

Consider your audience’s needs and wants when deciding how you should promote your podcast. What will they want in return? A free episode? An ad read? An exclusive interview with someone from your company?
Making an impact by promoting your podcast is easy when you know what works best for both parties involved. Keep it simple but effective!

Let others know why they should listen to your show, mention it on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, tell people about new episodes on email lists or even reach out to influential bloggers in your industry to spread the word!

8) Be Consistent

Being consistent about your podcast uploads is an important part of your marketing strategy

Podcasts are often downloadable so people can listen whenever and wherever they want, regardless of their location. Having a strong podcast marketing strategy can help listeners get hooked on your content which ultimately leads to more downloads and streams!

There’s no need for fancy equipment either; just use what you have to create quality audio. Make sure that new listeners know how often fresh content will be available and stick with it even if things don’t go as planned like an unexpected event or illness.

Your subscribers will understand and appreciate your commitment to high-quality audio.

9) Use Different Media

The definition of a podcast isn’t etched in stone; it’s evolving alongside the medium itself. Podcasts can take on many forms such as video and live recordings so why not try something new?

People like options so offering fresh content can help you stand out from the crowd. In fact, podcasts can even be recorded as an interactive experience where listeners are encouraged to participate!

Podcast marketing is fun as long as you focus on what’s best for your listeners and keep them coming back for more.

10) Join a Community

One of the best ways to learn the ins and outs of podcasting is to network with others in your industry. There are hundreds of podcast communities online that allow podcasters to connect, share tips and advice and discuss various topics related to podcasting.

Some communities have been around for many years so it’s easy to see how much they have evolved alongside this growing medium.

Other resources such as blogs, websites and online forums provide good information about podcasting too! By joining these communities, you’ll be able to get more listeners while building your brand.

11) Mix it Up

Let the conversation flow naturally instead of sticking to an exact script when recording new episodes for your podcast. Podcasts can be very personal so you want each episode to feel real and relatable instead of forced or rehearsed.

Think about some interesting topics that keep you talking all day long that would also be of interest to your listeners.Research shows that the majority of podcast listeners love to learn new things and enjoy sharing interesting content with others!

12) Use a Podcast Transcript Generator

Podcast listeners are usually curious about who’s talking or what’s being discussed on any given episode, which is why it’s important for podcast hosts to introduce themselves and their guests.

For new listeners, this helps them get familiar with the voices they hear too. Podcast transcript are also helpful for providing written documentation of each show so that people can reference them later on.

Podcast transcript make your content available to people with hearing impairments. It gives them a way of enjoying the content you have created by either supplementing for what they can’t hear or simply for reading through everything from beginning-to end!

A podcast transcript is also like having subtitles to help someone who cannot hear the dialogue in a foreign language movie or tv show. This will help make your podcast accessible to non-native speakers and target listeners in newer international markets.

Podcast transcript generators allow you to quickly and easily generate a podcast transcript from your audio file, which can be especially useful for shows that don’t have guests or the host tends to do most of the talking.

There are several podcast transcript generators available online so you should always choose one that fits your needs best. Some podcast hosting sites let you create a transcript after recording has finished.

And if you’re using an external site like SubtitleBee, then no need to worry because they have created tools to make your life easier! Look for “Add subtitles“ button on their website so you can post transcripts straight from their podcast transcript generator that also translate into multiple languages.

13) Use Podcast Subtitles

Podcasts come in many forms so you may want to consider adding subtitles to your episodes. Providing podcast subtitles is a great way for people with disabilities as well as those who are learning English as a second language to follow along easily.

With podcast subtitles, you can share your show with people around the world. Subtitles improve viewing and engagement rates by giving viewers a stronger visual impact!

Podcast subtitles allows you to engage with your listeners in a different way. Your audience can have a deeper understanding of what you are saying by being able to quote directly from your content and podcast subtitles. This is beneficial for those who are deaf and hard-of hearing, as they will be listening in on your show without any difficulties due to language barriers!

In short, a podcast transcript would benefit everyone so offering closed-captioned episodes can be helpful for many people. Of course, this option isn’t available on some podcast hosting sites so it’s important to check before publishing anything.

You don’t want to remove or alter any original content but adding subtitles after the episode has been recorded is easy enough depending on the software that you use. This way listeners can still enjoy all of your hard work without needing special tools!

14) Be Interactive

Podcasting is all about interaction, whether it’s with other podcasters or your listeners. One way to increase audience participation is to record conversations instead of monologues because suddenly the dynamics between hosts and guests completely changes!

Podcasts are great for sharing experiences but they can get stale pretty fast when everyone shares their opinions without getting the other person involved.

Try hosting a podcast that encourages debate, Q&A sessions , or even games to keep things interesting! This will definitely keep your audience engaged no matter what format you choose to use.


The secret to podcast marketing is the same as any other type of social media promotion. You want your content and messages to be compelling, entertaining, and engaging for your audience.

The old marketing adage of “give customers what they want” is still true, but with podcasts you should also try considering accessibility and inclusivity when it comes to how people can listen or watch what you have created.

This means creating the right content and adding podcast transcripts or podcast subtitles, so that everyone who has an interest in your show can find a way to consume it.