Business marketing is essential in today’s digital world, and with several options, it is tough to decide which you should opt for or which should not. One of them is a blog or podcast. Compared to blogs, podcasts are new in the market and making their place.

Business companies are looking to set up their online existence. The proper technique is required, and selecting it is a hard decision to make. Podcasts and blogs are both fantastic tools for a successful marketing strategy. Each platform has its benefits and flaws.

Blog vs podcast, choosing one of them is not a simple choice. Because both tools are used to gain authority, boost discoverability, and develop trust. Both have different and appealing aspects, but understand which one is best for your business marketing, blog, or podcasts! You need to look at a few factors like budget, time, skills, kind of business, and customers’ needs.

A Pro Tip: Anyhow, whatever method you choose, you need the right platform to add subtitles to your blog. SubtitleBee is an ideal medium where you don’t need software or skill. Just with the help of a few clicks, you can create subtitles for your blog or podcast in over 100 languages and share them on social media.

So, blog vs. podcast, let’s dive into the detail to better understand which one suits you as per your requirements.

Blogs Vs. Podcasts—Why You Should Choose Podcast As Your Business Marketing Strategy?

The audio form of a blog is what precisely a podcast. This digital marketing platform was introduced a few years back and gradually strengthened its position.

Compared to blogs, podcasts are not as many revenue generators. It can help you get marketing benefits to the development of your business. Still, for this, you need proper planning and need to identify your needs and how much money you can spend on them, and their advantages and disadvantages.

If you can recognize your audience and understand how your audio content can solve actual problems for them, then you should start working on podcasts that will get benefits in your business , build brand authority and increase followers.

You can check this too: Your New Podcast Marketing Blueprint: 14 Ways to Improve Your Following

The Perks of Podcasts Your Business Cannot Avoid Anymore.

Perks of Podcasts Your Business Cannot Avoid Anymore

#1. Building connections and relationships

Blog vs. podcasts—When you give a human voice to your blog, it will create a natural connection and bond, which will increase the conversion rate because they feel emotionally related to you and, as a result, they trust you. It doesn’t happen by reading a blog.

Listening to your podcast audience gets a better idea of your company and your values, which increases bonding. Creating quality content with consistency can add a more loyal audience, which is ultimately good for your business.

You can also engage your listeners by asking different questions about the podcasts or what they want to listen to, which also increases the association between you and your listeners.

#2. Building authority and credibility

If you create a good quality podcast with engaging and innovative ideas with consistency. Soon you will be known among the people and gain your reputation.

Listeners always want a brand that can show an excellent knowledge of the product, which helps them, and they can rely on it.

If you keep these factors in mind before making a podcast, you will get authority and credibility in the market and become a reliable figure.

#3. Brand awareness and recognition

A podcast is ideal in our today’s lifestyle. Listeners can easily tune in to your channel and listen to your audio blog while doing other activities like exercise, running, doing households, and many more.

If a person is not giving full attention to your podcast, there is a chance of reaching some part of the content into the subconscious, which is also helpful in the awareness and recognition of your business.

#4. Convenience and accessibility

Today 90% of people have their smartphones, which means podcasts are easy to access and listen to at your convenience. On the contrary, you need to get the time and consume it for a reading blog, which can be difficult for us in our busy routine. So, making your story on a podcast can easily engage and be understood by the listener instead of a blog.

For more detail please check this: 8 Great Ways to Improve Podcast Accessibility

Podcasts promote company culture

#5. Podcasts promote company culture

People don’t want to get services from a faceless company. Listeners wish to authenticity and understand what a company stands for and its value.

Through your podcast, you can be open and authentic by providing product stories, success stories, experiences of clients, and creative business strategies. Which can build trust, and trust is excellent in the growth of a business.

#6. Podcasts reach younger audiences

Today’s younger generation tends to audio and video blogs instead of reading. They want blogs they can easily consume while doing other jobs.

So, Podcasts are excellent for them. Creating an interesting, engaging, and innovative podcast can capture much younger listeners. Eventually, it gives you more followers, which is better for your business marketing strategies.

#7. Convenient for people with disabilities

The podcast is a very excellent tool for people with disabilities. People who can’t see and read properly can listen to a podcast. With this approach, you can give benefits to many disabled people.

Some of the limitations of Podcasts—you still can avoid, however!

limitations of Podcasts you still can avoid

1. Podcast tech can intimidate

To create a podcast, you need skills and proper software. Learning podcast-making tools spending time and money on it can be intimidating. Big companies can hire a production house with a complete setup and make podcasts. But a new and small business person can’t spare a budget for it.

2. Podcasts take time

Producing a podcast requires a lot of time and resources. First, you need to select a topic that can engage the audience, guest appointments, recording, editing, and marketing. Also, it would help if you had a proper schedule to broadcast your podcasts because the listener will expect regularly publish content.

3. Tracking performance is tricky

To track your podcasts’ performance, engagement, and conversions is tricky.

In other online media like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, you can check the popularity by likes, views, and followers. But in a podcast, finding whether it is successful can be a little tricky.

If someone downloads a podcast episode, it’s tough to know whether the user listened to it or abandoned it.

4. Podcasting is a long game

When you put effort into producing a podcast like money and time, there is no guarantee that you will get a quick audience and growth.

You can’t get an overnight success, but if you focus on creating the best content and broadcast it regularly, you will eventually bring success.

Blogs Vs. Podcast—And Why You Should Choose Blogs for Your Product Marketing Strategy?

We all know that there are advantages of blogging that podcasts cant achieve. Blogging is easier and quicker to achieve the target, has better SEO outreach, and is more accessible to people. Therefore, businesses must not disregard blogs, newsletters, email content or any form of text content to achieve valuables for their business.

A blog is the oldest marketing technique compared to podcasts, and people prefer to use this method to get growth and engagement.

Because creating a blog, require little time, money, and resources. So a small business person can use this technique to get brand awareness and conversions.

Big Benefits of Blogs for Your Content Marketing Strategy and Business Growth

limitations of Podcasts you still can avoidBenefits of Blogs for Your Content Marketing Strategy and Business Growth

1. Blogs support search engine optimization (SEO)

If you are going to publish business blogs as a marketing strategy. Then don’t publish articles without purpose. Your priority is to improve your SEO ranking. You need to make a good plan for your blogs, like what topic should be, the selection of keywords, and when to publish it.

Blogs are best to improve your SEO ranking because written tests can easily detect more than an audio blog. Written blogs are easy to upload, and Google loves unusual written text, which is easy for search engines to crawl and enhance the ranking.

By using strategically approach in providing fresh content to your users. You will get visibility in the market, which is better for the growth of your business.

2. Blogs improve internal linking

Using internal linking is a great way to improve your SEO ranking. It all depends on how you use it, and it’s totally in your control. If you use more appropriate internal links, the chances of getting more traffic and potential clients are increased.
So, always use internal links in your blogs that point your readers to the most significant articles on your website.

3. Easy to share

Blogs can easily be shared compared to podcasts because text files are usually small files, and you can easily upload them on any social media platform with a single click. So anyone can read it from there and enhance your engagement.

4. Blogs build brand authority

To build authority is something you can’t get in overnight. It needs to be earned, which comes with reliability and consistency.
With the help of your blog, you can give information about your product, brand value, and company culture. So the audience can get to know you and trust you. Which ultimately gives you an authority in the market.

5. Blogs don’t require as much tech knowledge

You don’t require technical knowledge or a proper setup in content writing. You need talented writers and people who know how to and when to publish it and improve the SEO ranking. This doesn’t require much money. A small business can use blogging to enhance the visibility of the company.

Some of the Limitations of Blogging—you still can avoid however!

Limitations of Blogging you still can avoid

1. Blogging needs commitment

For blogging, you need a firm commitment. You can’t create a blog, share it, and wait for the audience to like it.
You need effective content with solid SEO planning and a dedicated commitment to making it work.

2. Blogs can be time-consuming

Blogging needs time and patience. Research, writing, editing, and publishing is a time-consuming process, but you can’t get the desired result over a night.

A well-established online existence and potential clientage come with passaging time. To get this, you need focused planning and a good approach.

3. Consistency

You can’t get consistent output, especially when you are new in the market. You need to post a blog daily or on alternative days and stick to it. So readers can get good content regularly, and they can have time to know your company better.

4. Competition

There is intense competition in the category of blogs. Millions of blogs are published every day, and standing out between them is challenging.
So, you don’t just need good content, but you have to make it unique, informative, engaging, and entertaining as well.

5. Value making

If you get attention with your content, you can’t think that the job is done. After that, you need more hardworking to keep that attention. So please put all your efforts into value-making content and stick to it. So you can get the desired result consistently.

The choices you can make for blog vs. podcasts—knowing your business requirements.

business requirements

Blog vs podcast, choosing between both of them is not always needed. You can benefit from blogging, and podcasting needs time, money, and proper planning to use these platforms and get conversions.
Below are a few essential aspects you need to consider before utilizing a blog and podcast for your marketing campaign.

1. Assess your marketing team

In the success of every marketing strategy, a great marketing team plays a vital role.
If you have an educated and energetic marketing team that can handle both blogging and podcasting. Then you should go for both strategies.

2. Use the latest tools

Technology has changed every day. So many tools and software are available in the market.
For podcasts, you need the latest technology tools to fulfill all your requirements for making a great quality podcast.

3. Understand that voice content is here to stay

Although content is the oldest platform of marketing and people love to read, the podcast is also making its place and going to stay here, and a large number of people are out there who like podcasts and follow them. So you need to capture that group of audience through your excellent audio content.

4. Assess the competition

Before starting a blog or podcast, you need to check the market, access the competition, and then create unusual content and capture more audience.

Blogs and podcasts can improve your inbound marketing reach and nourish user relationships.

Let’s Wrap Up

Blog vs. podcast —both are good marketing techniques, but you want to start a blog or a podcast. It’s not a simple decision to make.

You can choose both, but it all depends on the time, money, energy, and resources you have.
Compared to blogs, podcasts marketing strategy is much money consumer like spending money on recording, editing, and marketing.

In blogging, you need an excellent researcher, writers, and marketing team to make this technique work for you.
You can also put your efforts on other marketing platforms, like blogs, podcasts, social media, and websites. To engage more and more users and increase the traffic.

Blog vs podcast, whatever course you take, will help to enhance your visibility, inbound marketing approach, and relationship with your users. If you choose to incorporate both, commit to making quality content and create it with consistency.

Choose the method that makes the most sense for your business and your in-house ability. Then you will see results.